Welcome 😊

My passion project is 'simply' liberating frontal lobes. I was surprised to finally arrive at a mere βœ…βœ… #2ticks, so obvious with hindsight.Β  It's the simplest most beneficial thing in my life. It's free and all on this single page, just expand the underlined headings, starting with the Root Problem (a vital prerequisite).

Root Problem πŸ€”

Our frontal lobes are crucial to our enjoyment, creativity, decision-making, problem-solving and attention, but they've been quietly hijacked in today's society.Β 

In the 1970s, people relied on their physical diaries for 'everything':
- 8am call Mum for her birthday
- 10am meet Mrs Fox
- 2pm do a quote for Mr. Johnson

Our frontal lobes 'TRUSTED' that everything important was in the diary. However as life sped up, the repetitive task of rewriting unfinished tasks from one timeslot in the diary to another became cumbersome. So we started keeping separate written task lists, detached from specific time slots. Unfortunately, this caused tasks to lose their connection to our available time and was the the initial trigger for our frontal lobes to LOSE TRUST in our methods. Developers of computerized Calendars initially replicated this flawed approach by creating separate electronic task bars. Our frontal lobes became congested as they felt compelled to continuously merge meetings and tasks.

Over time, various other sub-lists of pending items festered:
- items in the in-tray from previous days
- post-its, SMS, voicemail
- emails left in our inbox

As our frontal lobes subconsciously got more and more congested merging all these loose ends, we adopted the "do it now" principle to avoid handling things twice. However, this approach proved futile due to the overwhelming workload, many life options, and limited time. Choosing where to focus our attention became increasingly challenging and mentally exhausting as our goals, meetings, and various to-do lists scattered. Our frontal lobes' capacity and abilities were hijacked, eroding our enjoyment, performance, decision-making, problem-solving, creativity, relax-time, and behavior.Β 

By liberating our frontal lobes, they can then operate optimally and our best qualities naturally flourish. Our frontal lobes simply need to have inherent 'TRUST' in our methods.

βœ…1: Past Filtered?Β 

I've identified 'ALL' matters arise to us daily via a combination of just four logical sources:

It's best to proficiently filter the above sources and 'capture' key FUTURE matters as they arise throughout the day, onto your typed or written action lists or Calendar.Β  You'll already have your own ways of doing this.Β 

Towards your finish for each day, simply double-check the PAST is filtered and key FUTURE matters are captured (onto your action lists or Calendar) from the 'FOUR' sources above. If so, then give yourself a tick. Until you get used to it, it's best to revisit here and give yourself an actual tick by clicking the right arrow on the red question mark and changing its status to a green tick.Β 

βœ…2: Future Tweaked?Β 

You can only ensure your FUTURE is well tweaked if you can first tick the PAST is filtered, thus certain all key FUTURE matters have been captured.Β 

It's best to be proficient at tweaking your FUTURE (where appropriate) as things change throughout the day. You'll already have your own ways of doing this.Β Β Β Β 

Towards your finish for each day, simply double-check your Calendar plus any relevant key matters (on any action lists) for the next day, to assess if you feel OK about it. If not, then it's best to make some bold and smart decisions (based on your core goals) and tweak it right now. If your FUTURE is well tweaked for tomorrow, including the right time is set for your wake-up alarm, then give yourself a tick. Until you get used to it, it's best to revisit here and give yourself an actual tick by clicking the right arrow on the red question mark and changing its status to a green tick. Β 

βœ…βœ… #2ticks = Freedom πŸ•Š

To 'ensure' it brings you more freedom, set-up a one-minute daily repeating appointment (with reminder) in your Calendar, near your daily finish time. You can just copy this title:

βœ…βœ… #2ticks = Freedom πŸ•Š

After checking your βœ…βœ… #2ticks each day, delete that day's individual occurrence of the appointment. This will give your frontal lobe a nice freedom feeling each time you do it, especially as you get complete trust in the all-encompassing design of the mere βœ…βœ… #2ticks, locking it all together with certainty. As you may know from other life experiences, there is a world of difference from 90% trust (incomplete trust = distrust) to 100% trust (complete trust). You'll enjoy how this tangibly liberates your mind and time throughout each day and night, so you're free to be 'you', more easily, more often. If after a week, you're not feeling it, then I also have some free tips that will further help, just ask.

Thanks 😊 for visiting. 

Donations are cherished.